Sunday, 18 March 2012


Today was my fourth Mothering Sunday, a day which since becoming a Mother I've found a bit tricky. I want to see my Mum, Andy wants to see his Mum and we also want to do something just us with our boys (so I get them to myself!).

We've experimented with different things in the past, having both Mums here or seeing one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Having them both here isn't really an option anymore. They get on fine but are quite different people so it always feels a bit awkward and like nobody is quite relaxed, plus I usually end up cooking which I don't want to do on Mother's Day *stamps foot*.

So a compromise this year was to each spend a day with our Mums before Mother's Day to get our 'Mum fix' before the day so we can do something just the four of us. Man, what a good day it's been.

It pretty much summed up my perfect Sunday which, me being Mum and it being Mother's Day means the boys done good.

I have agreed to a Bristol-Weston charity cycle with the nursery in May. They've not told me the mileage yet (perhaps I should have asked before I said yes...) but the only cycle route I can find is 40 miles long. Cue mild panic. So with this in mind, I need to get some miles in training.

A long ride was planned for this morning and Andy suggested him and the boys come too. Brilliant idea. But, uh, who's going to tow the bike trailer with 2 stone child inside? Oh. Ok. Well, I guess it'll benefit my training. So we took off up to the Bristol-Bath cycle track, which we're lucky to have virtually on our doorstop and powered to Bath and back. 17 miles. Bloody hard work. Must remember cake money next time.

I was then plonked on the sofa with the papers, a blanket and 'Ratatouille'. A long, much needed snuggle ensued whilst Andy busied himself in the kitchen preparing lunch.

I was then treated to a delicious roast beef dinner, apple pie and custard. Andy rarely gets to cook as he works evenings and at weekends he does bath & bed with the boys so I do pretty much all of the dinners which is fine but it's soooo good to be treated sometimes, especially when your husband does a mean Sunday dinner as mine does.

We've had a lovely spring evening here in Bristol so took the dog out for a stroll after dinner to try and walk off the food babies we were lugging around. The kids took great delight in the muddy puddles and were filthy so after a dip in the bath, we had a final snuggle in front of the TV, all 4 of us, before packing 2 very sleepy boys off to bed.

I'm now sat with some chocolate and a glass of wine in front of the fire to round off my perfect day. I've been thoroughly spoilt and have the words of my four-year old in my head 'I love you soooo much, Mummy' which has been repeated to me over again today. It's the best, they're the best and I'm one lucky Mama :)

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