Sunday, 6 May 2012


Jeez, it's been forever since I've posted on here. I kind of fell out of love with blogging since it landed me in trouble a month or so ago. I took a little hiatus from Twitter and have left the blog (pretty much) alone for a while.

Anyhow, after a tricky few weeks I'm rested, back on form and ready to start again. So hi :)

So, yeah, what have I been up to for the last month? As always I turn to the good old iPhone for an update...

Camping. We bought a (cheap) campervan a few years ago. Honestly, it's been nothing but trouble. Something has happened every time we've been away in it, I'm convinced it's jinxed. It's cost a bloody fortune since we got it (there was a reason it was so cheap). Anyway, although this trip started well, didn't end so well...

This was the view on (what was supposed to be)  our last day. The less said about that the better.

Decorating. So we've had a child in that room for 4 years and we've only just decorated. What of it?

Writing. And eating. And writing. I went to a fitness convention a few weeks back and attended a lecture on nutrition. Backed up by extensive research, the basic gist of it was that if we focus too much on counting calories, we can make the wrong choices and become deficient in nutients vital to health. Without the basic foundations of health we cannot lose fat efficiently which is where many people go wrong. It might all be a bit boring to alot of people (diet bore-yawn!) but I find it fascinating and as such have spent weeks researching the topic and have written my very own eBook.

Of course, part of that research was to find or write recipes which of course needed road testing. Man, that was hard. Why I felt the need to photograph these meals I don't know but hey,they make this page look pretty.

Celebrating. My Dad turned 60 this month so we had a family weekend in Devon, grown-ups only. My Stepmum asked me to make a golf-themed cake which I feared would go horribly wrong but was actually pleased with the result. I *think* it tasted ok but it was consumed at 1am after an evenings frivolities so none of us can really be sure.


Cycling. I was volunteered (thanks, husband *waves fist*) to do a charity bike ride from Bristol to Weston yesterday with the kids' nursery in aid of the Dame Kelly Holmes Legacy. 30 Miles, I thought, I can do that. I cycle to work and regularly do a longer ride of  20ms or so on a weekend so thought it'd be fine.

Then they asked me to cycle home again. Yep, stupidly agreed (it's for the kids, innit?). It was hard, especially on the way back when there were only 4 of us who didn't get the train back so the speed was increased and there were less stops. All good though, an amazing effort from all and yes, I do have a very sore bum today.

If anyone is kind enough to want to donate to the foundation by the way, you can do so via Paypal using the email address giving your name for the sponsorship form. Thank you :)

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